Thursday, October 1

I won't stop Believing

I am a totally Gleek. I love this show. Anything that has singing and dancing in it, is pretty much my Holy Grail. I do want Will (I could and possibly will do a post about how damn cute he is) and Emma (she has a slight lisp that I think is probably the best thing I have ever heard) to end up together and I am pretty sure that will happen if I am just patient, which I can be, I promise. Jane Lynch is really great in anything she does even if it is Cinderella Story 2 with Selena Gomez. Which was a terrible movie but Jane Lynch was funny in it. Yet that sentence could have been typed by anyone, I don't think you even needed to see the movie. I want to discuss not so much the show but how much I love Kristin Chenoweth

who guest stared last night. If I am not mistaken she did a whole run in Wicked on Broadway, she is pint sized and so cute, her voice is amazing. I really miss Pushing Daises and I am glad she won and Emmy for her roll, but seriously can we bring back that show? My heart broke into billions of tiny pieces when I found out they were taking it off the table. If there is some sort of favor I can do to get this back on or some kind of ritual sacrifice, I am so ready. I will meet you in the woods at midnight, you bring the goat or virgin, and I will bring the cauldron and incense.

Or, I know. Lets have Ned touch this show and bring it back to life. L

1 comment:

  1. Oh, man I loved that show. It was so cute and lovely and if I could give birth to a television show, it would be that one.


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