Friday, October 16


Yesterday Liz announced that she is going to have triplets and name them...
(I wont tell you, because I know there are people out there that snatch baby names)
To which I replied, " I will have triplets before you."
(Sometimes I am 7)
Obviously neither of us will probably have said triplets, and I am sure all you mothers out there are laughing yourselves silly, cause you remember when you used to think you yourself wanted multiple babies. But now are close to pulling your hair out, with the age gaps you have.
THAT doesn't stop me from wanting triplets, just like I still want to get married, when that scares me more than spiders.
Let me remind you as well that I have the biggest family known to man, and I have this silly feeling that they all would be more than thrilled to burp and cuddle.
Unless of course I marry the 6'8" man of my dreams and we move to Chicago.

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