Thursday, October 22

She wore the dress... and I stayed home.

If you don't have sisters I highly suggest you look into buying some.
If you have sisters, but don't get along with them, I suggest you find a way to make your relationship thrive.
Here are the top ten things about my sister Peggy.
10) Her name is Peggy.
Is that not the most adorable name you have ever heard? Also she was named after my mom's sister Peggy whom we never got to meet, but I am certain I would have loved her so dearly. My Peggy really does wonders with the name.
9) She is so kind.
You know those kind of people that you can say the dumbest thing to and they don't think any less of you? That's my dear Peggy. I know I have said some really stupid stuff to her, and she never laughs in my face.
8) She is SO much fun.
I love to do things with her. Anything will do really, but the best times are when we have my mom watch the boys, and go on adventures like the library and make fun of the unkind workers there.
7) She has great taste in music.
She was really avid about me listening to The Good Life for the first time, because they were her then favorite.
I remember one time somebody left the worlds worst CD mix in my moms car. With stuff like Fall Out Boy, and I thought it was Peggy's and she thought it was mine, and we both were relieved that it wasn't either of ours.
6) We both love Chicago.
She has lived there, so that makes sense. But we both have a love for it, and if we were closer in age, and life was hair different, I dare say we would have lived there together.
5) I love to talk to her.
The best conversations we have are when we have slumbies falling asleep in bed just chatting about things. Nothing is really spared in these conversations, and we are usually on the same page, or understand where the other is coming from.
4) She is interested.
In the same breath as loving to talk to her, in our conversations she always asks questions. Awhile back we were talked and she made everybody there say there current favorite band.
3) She attends events.
I like that I can expect to see her at family things. She gets busy or people get sick, but she makes an effort to come and see her sisters and catch up.
2) She has amazing kids.
I adore Jonas and Noah. I hold them in the most special of places in my heart. I love being with them, and I feel so protective of them.
1) I like her priorities.
Her kids have an amazing mother, and Josh has an exquisite wife.
I know she wishes sometimes she was a better housekeeper, but I love that she would rather read a good book than have a perfectly manicured house at times.
Love love love!


  1. I agree with all my black little heart!!

  2. I agree as well! I'm sometimes just a hint sad that I only get to be a cousin to that quad of awesomeness sisterhood thing you girls have. I got so close, with the double cousin thing, but sometimes I could use a sister or two more. I lover you fine gals.


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