Tuesday, October 20

These arms are mine, don't mind who they hold...

I am absolutely floored when an attractive male dates or marries an average looking female. Guys are shallow, girls are too, but I think that looks mean a lot more to them because of their friends. I think its a contest to see who can get the hottest chick, regardless of her crappy personality.
Of course this is a generalization, however, how often do you hear about a woman who said, "he grew on me."
And never do you hear that the other way around.

Ask Liz, I found out some attractive guy that comes into my work is actually married not only to one of the ladies here, but one that just has this air of insanity to her. When I found this out I literally spent the rest of the day in a baffled state.

So it is no surprise that I am perplexed by the union of one LeAnn Rimes and an Eddie Cebrain. I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and google image search her, just in cases she was cuter than I imagined.
She isn't, but I did find this....
maybe that's why, even though her belly button kind of looks like a butt hole.
But I also found this...

He looks even better in la buff. And have you seen those dimples?

I remain flabbergasted.


1 comment:

  1. I love his dimples, I can't blame her for the cheating, those dimples, oh hell.


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