Thursday, October 1

R to the Ick

So Liz and I have twin brothers, and if you met them you would love them. I don't think that I could have asked for a better pair of older brothers, shmeriously. Although both are fantastic, this post is dedicated to Rick, the youngest of the two.

Rick is possibly the greatest person you will ever meet. He genuinely has life figured out; he is so funny, and kind, and smart, boy howdy is he smart. He has gone through tons of schooling to become a doctor, and he will change the world.

Also Rick is the perfect dose of hippie and professional. He is all for you not creating another high way, to conserve our land. But he is a professional, and knows not to go and run around nude to prove his point.

Rick also has this really great wifey named Kara, and together they make this shmorgesborg of excellent parenthood. Their 4 little boys are so beautiful and such a handful and they handle them so eloquently. And Rick loves being a Dad, and that amazes me. Because I forget that men aren't these footballin machines that care only about a precious few things.

So Rick, We love you and your brain and your family.


1 comment:

  1. Holy Shmoley, you girls are so rad! I DID marry the greatest guy in the world, didn't I? Thanks for reminding me.


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