Tuesday, October 20

You're gross!

I feel like I am so over school. Something about this semester is really making me severely unhappy. That said I was in class yesterday (after the fluffiest of fall breaks) and after everything I said there was nothing but crickets.
I'm not tooting my horn or anything, but I think I offer a certain Je ne sais quoi, to the class.
Fast forward to tlast night, I am at a social event, which contained trying to find certain people that maintained certain traits. So some girl asked Marianne something unique about herself and Marianne announced that her second toe was longer than her first.
Later on in the night we were talking about that toe again. And I said that the people in my family all have that, and that in fact we call it "The Thompson Toe"
Then I said I wouldn't show mine to them, like Mairanne had, because my feet were stinky.
All of the girls gasped and all the guys looked like they wanted to laugh, but said things like, "Keep those puppies contained!"
I then announced that my feet smelled like Doritos, to which everybody was confused and disgusted!
I really hate it when I say something I find HILARIOUS, but nobody gets it.
I feel like that is my life lately, there is a handful of people in this universe that are on my same level. I don't even think its a better level, just a slightly weirder and more eclectic level than most people are willing to admit is deep down inside of them somewhere.
PS. My feet seriously do smell like Doritos, once when I was in high school I was in the train and I was trying to hide my feet because the absolutely smelled putrid, but then I realized somebody was eating Doritos.


  1. On Sunday we went to JMR and Misty got some TOms. The girl helping her, was saying that she didn't want to wear socks with them, they fit better. To which I said. I had to start because they stink so bad, like monumental. to which they both looked at me like I was a disgusting fat pig. Do other people's feelt not stink or something?

  2. I think people forget that they are human beings and like to think of themselves as perfect aliens that have rose shaped bowel movements, and sweat cinnamon.


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