Thursday, October 22

We're coming to get you Barbara!

Film #4: Night of The Living Dead

So the famous quote is actually, "They're coming to get you Barbara!", which I was going to use until Anthony reminded me that in Sean of the Dead they say, "We're coming to get you Barbara!" Which you know, was totally something Simon Pegg planned from the beginning. Naming his mother Barbara so that at some point in the film they could use that line, Classic. Lucy and I went to this party where we met this kid who was 100% convinced (no joke) that the Zombie Apocalypse was not only going to happen, but happen soon. He was even paying 10 dollars a month to a organization in Alaska, that in his words "Will come pick my ass up anywhere in the world, once Z day happens." I mean we didn't go into too much detail about how exactly they will know where he is. I did mention that Z day was a book, one which I have read, and it is not really REAL. However, I did look it up later and there really is a organization in Alaska that is taking money from poor folks such as this kid.

I mean I am sure he just wants to feel proactive about the situation, and really, who am I to judge how he spends his money. Plus if any of the "Dead" movies have taught us anything it is, that even if you do survive the night, dawn, day or land of the dead. The military might just show and kill your ass anyway. So maybe the joke is on us. L

1 comment:

  1. 1) For as uneventful as our lives might seem, they actually have a lot eventful things happen in them.
    2) Thats a wise investment.
    3) That was the best crappy party i have ever attended.


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