Tuesday, September 15


After reading the Twilight series, I was on the hunt for more vampire related reading. I started and read halfway through the "Historian" but there wasn't enough action or romance in the story for me. It was too much history to wordy and I hated that the characters could be bit more than once from a vampire and not turn into one. Same thing with the Sookie Stackhouse books (aka Trueblood, which I read next. I tried the Anita Blake series but there are 17 books and counting and I feel like if the books can't come to a conclusion after four then, I don't want to know what they are doing for the rest of the 13 books, same story just told a billion ways? That was the Sookie Stackhouse books after four it was all the same, and I just ended up hating them when I was finished). I am from the school of thought that once you are bitten you are. I admit I really liked that the Twilight vampires were more romantic than monster. But now that I have read the Strain and or 30 Days of Night. Edward is just kinda a pansy. I mean vampires are monsters. Edward says that a lot to Bella, but it is hard to believe when his skin merely sparkles. I mean really people? Granted all vampire stories create their own lore for what makes a vampire. However a few things are certain, for example they die in sunlight. Why because they are damned monsters of the night. They are not Pretty High school boys who are supermodel hot and hard as granite.
So for these few reasons The Strain is way more badass than Edward or Vampire Bill.
1. It was pretty gory, which I think any story about monsters should be. 2. The vampire virus that is unleashed into New York City, spread like a disease. You got bitten, you became a vampire. 3. Guillermo can tell a story like no else. He is one of my favorites, I love his movies and I love him, which is one of the reasons I picked this up. I am only sad that it, like every other books I read, is a series. I now will have to wait two years to figure out how this things ends. Its so frustrating, my life is now measured in small increments of time between one release date and another. L

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