Wednesday, September 23

Dear Landon Pigg

I totally love your name. I think pigs are adorable in a very stinky and yummy way. They are also very smart, and I know that you could have one as a house pet, just like you would have a dog or a cat. So I feel like these are really positive things, like the balls are in your court. Also I really like that song you sing "Coffee shop" Or " Falling In Love in a Coffee Shop". It is super dreamy, in that it paints a great visual of falling in love, while sitting down having tea. While the rain falls against the glass in soft splat. It is all cozy in there and you are sipping the warm tea and then the door opens and it swooshes all your papers to the floor. So you bend down to pick them up and someone is there helping you out and its like the love of you life. I think its dreamy. Also I would like to talk for a moment about how cute you are. I don't always love blonde's as like a rule, so you can't be handsome, sorry. But every time I saw the Whip It! Trailer I was like yum, that boy is a total buck. And I really look forward to seeing the movie 1. because it looks funny, and Ellen Page is pocket size adorable and I love Drew Barrymore and 2. You are in it and you are super duper adorable as well. So please do me a solid and be in more movies and please continue to make great songs that evoke great images of love.

Thanks, Liz Lucero
PS. Thank you so much for wearing a vest in this picture and smiling at me like that.

1 comment:

  1. oh, I think he is handsome. who knew.
    Also i didnt know that was him in the whip it, so happy


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