Monday, September 21

Louise, pig pig pig!

First I would like to say that Mary-Louise Parker is SO pretty, and she is 45!
Anyway remember how she dated Billy Crudup (aka Dr. Manhattan) for like almost 8 years, and was straight pregnant when he left her, but claims he didn't, for Claire Danes? No? Well that's because this is the essence of maturity. You may recall a similar situation with a one Brad Pitt and Leather Aniston, only the former don't bring it up years later in a Vogue shoot.
I mention this because I was looking at Emmy pictures on IMDB, and there was Ms. Parker with a super cute nobody and she never looked better. She looked as cool as a cucumber and as cute as one too.
Sadly I searched for that picture everywhere I could, but they were all protected. So do yourself a solid and go look at it!

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