Friday, September 18

If I had a nickle for every jumpsuit

I need to discuss this growing trend before I pull out all my hair. Which I don't know that it would be such a bad thing right now, my bangs are terribly short because I cut them without paying enough attention to the task at hand. It is possible that if I pulled out all my hair, my bangs would look good in comparison so it might not be such a loss. Anyway, that I will figure out on my own time. What I need to discuss here is the trend of jumpsuits. I have provided some pictures for a visual reference. However, please keep in mind that these, if its possible, are the better looking jumpsuits I have seen, aside from miss Katty. I am sure, if not positive, that these are really comfy, and that is why they are so popular. But really people? Really? They are disgusting. I don't care who you are. They are not flattering in the least and they are just wrong. I mean did we not evolve from wearing one piece clothing items when we moved out of infancy? Should we not celebrate that achievement and continue to separate our tops and bottoms?
I will beg if I have to, whatever it takes to make it stop. Even if I have to track down Rachel Zoe and stuff her in a closet so that she is un able to influence these poor people any longer. L

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