Wednesday, November 18

Showering with a Meteor

The scariest thing about a Meteor shower, is not knowing that is what is happening. Because Lucy and I were pretty sure that the world was ending.

Lets start this story from the very beginning, a very good place to start. Last night Marianne, Lucy and myself decided to visit our sister Peggy and her little boys. Her son just had some surgery and we wanted see him, as well as soak up some sister time. It is strange, since Peg moved back from Chicago and lives in Ogden (way closer, but still so far away) I sometimes feel like I see her less. Sorry about that. Anyway, the great things about going to see Peg and her family, include but are never limited to, listening to Dashboard Confessional and singing to it at the top of your lungs. Impromptu dance parties in her living room to Arcade Fire. Showing off our best donkey kick moves, and karate chops. Getting Ice Cream and consuming it in the car while making ourselves laugh and hack. People watching at: Flowrider and FatCats. Enjoying lengthy and in depth conversations about Twilight, while Josh, her husband, parades around in a sports bra! Super good times were had by all. We enjoyed our time so immensely, we left Ogden at midnight, even though Marianne and Lucy needed to study for a test today. Which while I am thinking about it, Good Luck!
On our way home, as we approached Bountiful, we witnessed the end of the world moment. Lucy was trying to nurse some severe hiccups and I was trying to ignore her moaning. It happened so fast, exactly like someone coming into a dark room and turning the light on and then off. The sky was light as day for seconds, then we saw the fire ball streak across the sky and disappear behind the train! It couldn't have been a firework, we thought, and how could a firework make the sky turn so light? Plus it was had neon green glow that seemed very outterlimits to us. Marianne was kinda snoozing in the back seat and was 100% unconvinced or unimpressed at that hour about anthing, let alone the end of the world. We were straight trippin, I even told Anthony when I got home. He was trying to help me figure out if it was a UFO. Which Lucy and I did think for a second it might be. Because how can you not? When something that crazy happens. It wasn't until this morning, on the news, that I got the confirmation I was looking for. They said it was a Meteor Shower. Which cool, but I honestly only saw one ball of fire. So you know whatever. L

1 comment:

  1. I cant get over that it was meteor, It looked like an imposter bomb from an alien nation.


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