Monday, November 9


Gentlemen Broncos is the third film from director Jared Hess, of Napoleon Dynamite and Nacho Libre. I feel like this is one of those movies you just need to see. I can't even describe this in a way to give it enough justice. The best I can do is, This movie is exactly what would happen if you had a pre pubescent boy write a story about writing a science fiction story. I know it make so sense, also you may be asking yourself it that is the kind of movie you even wan to see. Just do. I will give a warning, in the vain of: It might be the strangest movie I have ever seen. But in all things strange but so funny this movie is triumphant. Also it solidifies my love for Sam Rockwell, who is amazing in everything he does and Jermaine from Flight of the Conchords. Here is just a nugget of the amazingness of this movie.

I'm pretty sure I will go and see it again this week! L

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