Wednesday, November 11

Au contraire

When I was in high school I worked at a relatively upscale restaurant. And by that I mean they would have liked to think that they were upscale, but the way things worked behind closed doors wasn't much different than that of a circus.
Anyhoo-aroo, once a family came into to eat that were like total greasers. Complete with slight pompadours, white tee's, Chuck Taylors and cuffed jeans.
The family was so cute, and I thought it was just about the greatest thing I had ever seen. I vividly remember that my work-friend Nick saying quote, "I hate that shit."
Referring to to the anybody who has personality, I suppose.
Thing is, is... is that sure it may be a little difficult for people to wrap their brains around somebody who doesn't prefer life to be played out in the way they do; but I think that life is too short not to have a little theme family, if you want to .
I also remember a friend of the manager's who came in to eat all the time, but never wore shoes. Again, thats not really my forte, but I admire a person who does their own thing.

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