Tuesday, January 12

My Dirty Little Secret.

I am a big fan of regimes.

Not in the political sense, but in the sense of an organized system.
You know, like an exercise regime.
 I know if you are out there reading this, you are smart and know what a regime is, and never get it confused with regiment (a huge pet peeve of mine) which is a military unit.

Anyway, I have a Monday morning work regime, which includes reading Sunday Secrets on Post Secret.

I love it; I actually look foreword to Mondays because of this.
I found out yesterday that Frank Warren is coming to speak at the U on April 14th!
I have wanted to see him speak for so long!
I am seriously so, so happy.


  1. I've been reading PostSecret since it was a tiny baby blog. It's pretty much the first thing I do on Sunday mornings; depending on what time I go to bed, it might even be the last thing I do on Saturday night. So addictive!

    I've never had a desire to see Frank Warren, but I do want to read the thousands and thousands of secrets that will be on display. How much are tickets?

  2. They are under five!
    And from what I have heard, people go up to the microphone and tell their secrets, which I think would be the most amazing part!


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