Tuesday, December 8

Slip, slip slop, slip slop anonymous.

I hate the snow.

I am just a bag of inconsolable emotions when it comes to the slush and ice ridden roads of winter. I stress and obsess over my family's safety and white-knuckle it whenever I am forced to go out into such traitorous conditions. Its really a huge conundrum, so beautiful (when its white and not grey or black) but it causes a lot of ugly problems for people.

That said, I took Trax today. Like everybody else, my trip took a long time as well. (30 minutes just to get out of the city) The weird thing was that the train car only had one car, and was suffering some huge problems, like doors not opening. The poor train operator looked completely frazzled as did everybody else when he would stuff his crotch in their face to mess with the machinery above our heads.

Also I straight counted 20 yawns from the girl sitting in front of me, within 3 train stops.

Oh, I love public transportation!

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