Thursday, December 3

Dream.... dream dream dream

*Let my preface by saying that I did indeed purchase that cupcake soap-on-a-rope. Additionally that I have roughly 5 billion dreams through out the course of the night.
That said, my cupcake soap-on-a-rope made its appearance sporadically through out said dreams last night. Every dream it was smaller and it took a new form, like a hippopotamus or a dinosaur.
Also I had a dream that the guy who films the speeches, in my Public Speaking class, was looking at this blog.
I was SO excited.
Like finally our efforts have paid off, and we had become famous and had to differentiate the people who come into our lives because they love us, and people who wish us happy birthday, want to date us, and befriend us, all because they want to be mentioned in our blog.

1 comment:

  1. Um, I had really horrible dreams about the Festival of trees, I think i feel really bad about lying but only a subconscious dream level


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