Monday, May 17

Did you know that my elbows fold into paper crane's?

Also, did anyone know, Lucy hasn't posted here on Kittens and Paws since December? NO, well that is another reason why the post's have been far and few between, and lack luster in their performing arts skills. 
So.... next time you talk at her, please make her feel like a steaming mess of two day old hot dogs, for not posting, so that we can go back to lots of posts that are lots of funny. 
I am here today to tell you about one love/crush of mine, that doesn't make much sense but I have had it for years and it doesn't seem to be going away. It all started when I lived in Las Vegas. I would get home from work around 10pm every night and I would not be the least bit sleepy. So, I would watch in no particular order or for any other reason than, it was all that was on at that time of night:  
And that was all it took, a couple months of Frasier re runs and I was, not yet set, liquid jello, in David Hyde Pierce's well manicured hands. I keep thinking it has something to do with his jawline, it is so chiseled I could wash my britches on it. Also.. I found myself giggling like a little girl, while I recently, watched an interview with him. And all he was doing was talking about his dogs.

Yes, I know he is gay, did you? Yes, I know he is blond and has a receding hairline, did you? Yes I know it makes absolutely no sense, did you? Yes, I would throw my naked body at him...did you?


  1. I did wonder if he was actually gay or not. I also, love Frasier re-runs. We used to watch them with the 'rents. Good times :)

  2. I think he's adorable. And hilarious in that role.
